Create Antivirus Program C#

Active1 year ago

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Is there a way to detect whether there is an antivirus software installed in a machine using C#? I know the Security Center detects antivirus software but how can you detect that in C#?

AdriaanCreate Antivirus Program C#

Software Architecture & C# Programming Projects for £20 - £250. Anti-Virus software for Windows 10 Price negotiated. Building anti virus software with C#. I would like to create a anti virus Software. How to Develop a Anti Virus Using c# or

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closed as too broad by EJoshuaS, Robert Columbia, techraf, André Kool, gre_gorAug 12 '18 at 17:09

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3 Answers

Xbox download mac. According to Microsoft, The Windows Security Center uses a two-tiered approach for detection status. One tier is manual, and the other tier is automatic through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). In manual detection mode, Windows Security Center searches for registry keys and files that are provided to Microsoft by independent software manufacturers. These registry keys and files let Windows Security Center detect the status of independent software. In WMI mode, software manufacturers determine their own product status and report that status back to Windows Security Center through a WMI provider. In both modes, Windows Security Center tries to determine whether the following is true:

Top Antivirus Program

An antivirus program is present.

Step 3: After the package is installed, you need to Install SAM and SAMPrefs.

The antivirus signatures are up-to-date.

Real-time scanning or on-access scanning is turned on for antivirus programs.

For firewalls, Windows Security Center detects whether a third-party firewall is installed and whether the firewall is turned on or not.

So in order to determine the presence of an antivirus software, you can use the WMI making a connection to the rootSecurityCenter namespace (starting with windows Vista you must use the rootSecurityCenter2 namespace), and then query for the AntiVirusProduct WMI class.

Look at this sample code

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Open C:WindowsSystem32wbemwscenter.mof by Notepad. It helps you which namespaces and classes exist:

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C# Query:


Amir SaniyanAmir Saniyan
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The WMI query changes slightly in Vista SP2 and beyond.

Try this part rootSecurityCenter2 instead of rootSecurityCenter

The results are slightly different as well. You can still get the display name, but you'll need to do a bit of bit masking for the ProductState field to determine if the onAccessScanner is enabled / disabled and the upToDate kind of information.


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